Tady je ona nedávno slíbená delší verze...

Jednou, kdysi dávno (začátkem února 2012), jsme do angličtiny dostali za úkol napsat příběh a použít v něm níže vypsaná slova (a následně ten příběh nahlas přečíst - tak nervózní jako tehdy jsem nebyla ani u maturity =D dokonce tak, že to za mě musel číst někdo jiný). A mně se přihodilo něco, co se mi do té doby ještě nestalo (a od té doby taky ne)... Stačil mi jediný pohled na ně a v tom okamžiku jsem přesně věděla, o čem (resp. o kom) budu psát. 
(Zažili jste ten pocit někdy také?)

Nevím, zda si dokážete představit mé obrovské překvapení, když si mě po hodině učitelka zavolala a pochválila mi příběh bokem, aby to ostatní neslyšeli... Nevím, zda to bylo proto, že ostatním stačil k ručně psanému zpracování rozsah A5, a já vytasila hustě popsanou jedna a půl A4ku... Rozsah práce nebyl stanoven, bylo jen nutné použít všechna zadaná slova. Tzn., že jestli někomu stačilo 150 slov, a že stačilo, taky to nebyl problém. Nebo jestli to bylo za jazykovou úroveň... Vážně nevím.

Dokonce jsem pak, posílena jejími slovy chvály, sebrala odvahu a příběh zaslala i do českého fanklubu, takže se v jednu dobu objevil na jejich stránkách. :-) 
Ale teď už přestanu zdržovat. 

Příběh jedné (ne)obyčejné dívky může začít...

Words: selfless, allegiance, shall, betray, buried, shelter, harm, appeals, innocent, determined

     Once upon a time, so far on the North, was lying one small village there. The village was very small. In this small village, in the one of the shelters lived one girl. She loved singing. You can say, that lot of young girls wants to be a singer – but she had a talent, a wonderful thing – everyone listened when she started to sing... She was determined to be great singer. She went study classical singing.
      Once, she had a dream where she was singing in the hall. In the big hall. This hall was full of people. They were screaming her name. After some minute, she came on stage. People were louder and louder. It could be thousands people there. She sang some song. It was something different than she knew. But it was... The song was beautiful. Very beautiful. It started with these words: 
Open up the night,
led by just a feeling
All around is light,
   everything is healing...

     Suddenly she woke up and she tried to remember what was the name of the song but she couldn’t. It wasn’t possible. The song in her dream was from her future... Some time after this dream, she met her classmate. He was working on one acoustic project and he needed singer. It was appealing for her. She agreed with this idea. After short time, they recorded their first album very soon. It was something different than she studied. But it didn’t mind, because they were very successful. They recorded their second album. After that, they recorded their third album. Very soon they recorded next album. They were travelling around the world at the tour and their albums got a lot of awards there.
     Once, she told them that she wants finish her study. If she was away, other members made allegiance contra her. She was studying solo singing. One day in this time she got idea that she shall have her own solo career. She didn’t know about their betrayal. She wanted to tell them about her idea but they were faster...  
Sail away, it's time to leave
Rainy days are yours to keep
Fade away, the night is calling your name
We will stay, you'll sail away...

     They sent her that she must leave band. The next information was notification that she was fired. It was open letter. She didn’t know about it. If she was passing through the town, so many people asked on this letter. She couldn’t answer to them because she didn’t know about it. Someone gave her a newspapers. She couldn’t believe. How was it possible? She couldn’t believe that they could betray her like this. She was so many years in this band. It broke her heart and harmed her soul. Before one moment, she read about herself so bad and false things... But she was selfless and innocent.
     She was crying so many days. When she was reconciled with this cruel fact, she started sing. It was very important for her. Because when she was singing, she was feeling happy. She started write her own texts and compose her own music for her own songs from her new album. It was her first album in her solo career.
     Once, at the concert, she presented her newest song. She was in the hall. In the big hall. This hall was full of people. They were screaming her name. After some minute, she came on stage. People were louder and louder. It could be thousands people there. She said the name of the song. It called Die Alive and started with these words:

Open up the night,
led by just a feeling
All around is light,
  everything is healing...

     Yes, it was song from her dream about future. This was her future...
Maybe you’re asking: And what about band? They buried their success with her left.

This story was really happened.


Pár poznámek na vysvětlenou:
1. but she had a talent, a wonderful thing – everyone listened when she started to sing... - Volná parafráze ABBY a jejich písně Thank You For the Music 

2. Mohla jsem sice vybrat jakoukoliv jinou píseň (I Walk Alone by se do příběhu také hodila a pro Tarju má velký význam), ale s Die Alive mě pojí tak trochu speciální vztah, protože díky ní jsem poznala, že není jen Tarja-Nightwish, ale i Tarja-sólo ;-) 

3. Sail away, it's time to leave, Rainy days are yours to keep, Fade away, the night is calling your name, We will stay, you'll sail away... - volná parafráze písně Sail Away od The Rasmus. S onou událostí nemá nic společného. Přiznávám, přidala jsem ji do příběhu dodatečně. Již tehdy, před těmi skoro čtyřmi lety jsem uvažovala o tom, že ji tam použiju, ale nakonec jsem se k tomu neodhodlala kvůli (nejspíš celkem iracionálnímu) pocitu, že ji nemohu použít k vyjádření takového podrazu, že to té písničce prostě nemůžu udělat.

4. Ano, uvědomuji si, že pravdu zná pouze ona a Nightwish, ale to mi nebrání vyjádřit, čí verzi událostí věřím.

Yes, I realize that the truth is known only to her and Nightwish, but that does not prevent me to express, whose version of events I believe.

2 komentáře:

  1. Pěkně napsané :) Věděla/poznala učitelka, o kom to je?

    1. Díky :-) Ne, ale potom se ptala, jestli se to opravdu stalo, takže jsem dostala příležitost jí to trochu vysvětlit. Ale Tarju stejně neznala.
      Právě zkušenost se zveřejněním na Winterstorm mě teď přiměla zdůraznit tu čtvrtou poznámku.


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